19 Mart 2012 Pazartesi

Wild animals was our topic!

As we like all animals it was another nice week with animals but this time the animals were wild :) We started our topic by studying flash cards. We learned that tigers, crocodiles, lions and many other animals are wild. While exploring our topic we used our animal toys so the kids got a better understanding of what they really are. 
As they already knew some of them they were willing to learn the others. 

For classroom activites we studied patterns with wild animal toys. Kids tried to put animals into correct order.

"Tiger-dinosaurs-giraffe, tiger-dinosaurs-???
" What comes next? 
" Sure, a giraffe."

Look at our friend Lulu. She has a very big pouch that we put the flash cards in and revise everyday.

                                                         Oh, what does Lulu have in her pouch? 
                                                         What is this? 
                                                         Yes, it is a crocodile. :)


Let's group all the animals we have learned so far
Another day we divided animals into three groups; pets, farm and wild animals. This activity was helpful in making kids revise our earlier topics, pets and farm animals.
Here we have three boxes. One for wild animals, one for farm animals and one for pets. 

Is the elephant a farm animal?
Is it a wild animal?
Yes! :)

                                                   We are about to complete. What is that?
                                                   "A lion"
                                                  "Which box does it belong?"
                                                   "Wild animals box"
                                                    "Correct :)"

Here we are learning our tongue twister: "Monkey see, monkey do"

Monkey see, monkey do
The monkey stomp, stomps, stomps his feet
The monkey stomp, stomps, stomps his feet
Monkey see, monkey do 
The monkey does the same as you!
The monkey claps, claps, claps his hands 
The monkey claps, claps, claps his hands 
Monkey see, monkey do 
The monkey does the same as you!
The monkey covers, covers, covers his eyes
The monkey covers, covers, covers his eyes
Monkey see, monkey do
The monkey does the same as you!

The monkey jumps, jumps, jumps up and down
The monkey jumps, jumps, jumps up and down
Monkey see, monkey do 
The monkey does the same as you!


                                                                      Station Time!
                                  In one of the stations they grouped animals according to their habitats.

 Other station was about drawing wild animals' skin. Their tasks were really creative :) 

Stories and songs really helped us understanding our topic. You can access them using these links below:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0FOZ0-VpcU (The Dinosaurs Song)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOvIot-i6rY  (The Rhino)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxX2QrN2vxE  ( The Elephant Steps)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uKIM1GRAf0  (My Friends Tigger and Pooh)
http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/short-stories/the-great-race  (The Great Race)

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